King under the Mountain crash issues
King under the Mountain crash issues, fix freezing issues or black screen error
King under the Mountain is keep crashing to desktop when you start the game? Or while playing King under the Mountain? This is a important question because can be different issue.
If your game is crashing as soon you want to play, then the most possible cause is that your driver is old and you need to install new one.
Few ways to fix crash to desktop, black screen issues or freezing in game issues.
If you use windows 7, install this update
From easy way to hard way
Turn internet and antivirus OFF and try to play King under the Mountain
NO? Try next
Run game as Administrator (right click on game icon and select Run as Administrator)
Not working that either ?
Clean your operating system with this, then download and install vcredists and framework from here
Update your video graphics driver! Here is the proper guide.
No? Try this:
New method! Use a software to unfreeze game!! See details
Still not working either??
Check for windows updates!
Uninstall game, clean the system with provided software, then install game again
Try to install game on another partition! For example if your game is installed on C:, install it on D: or viceversa
Not working? Let`s try this:
If you are sure that your device is capable to run the game, then maybe you have BAD sectors on Hard Disk HDD?
Windows 11 is recommended !
I will show you how to fix hdd bad sectors!
1. Click on search box for windows and type cmd and press ENTER
2. Select Command Prompt with right click and RUN as Administrator
3. Type chkdsk f/r (or paste it) and hit enter
4. Follow the instructions (pres Y to accept) and your device will get restart and then windows will try to fix bad sectors from your HDD.
Here is an screenshot with what i teach you above.
King under the Mountain crash issues - King under the Mountain learn how to fix crash to desktop, KUTM black screen errors - King under the Mountain fix freezing issues
Running best on Windows 11
King under the Mountain crash issues, Created by Costica Gordon